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DEI Strength cards

Strength cards are a tool we developed at Catalysts Ideele AS to “change the way we think about ourselves and others”. Developed to be used in group and individual levels they can be a useful teambuilding dialog tool in your DEI journey.

Screenshot 2023-07-09 at 17.11.58.png
Image by Brooke Cagle

Strength finder cards

What happens when we focus on our strengths rather than our weaknesses?

Strength finder cards are a dialogue-based tool that can help you become more aware of your inner resources and positive traits. In the development of these cards, it has been important for us to create descriptions that make them accessible to more people, including children and young people with a multicultural background.

Each card has a front with a strength and a back with a brief description of the strength. On the back there is also an English and Arabic translation of the strength. The strength finder cards consist of 24 unique strengths divided into six different virtues: Wisdom, Courage, Humanity, Justice, Temperance and Transcendence.

These have been taken and translated with approval from the VIA institute and according to Peterson and Seligman2's research on character strengths.

Target group:

All employees in your company


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